The COVID-19 pandemic in ongoing and arts organisations around the globe have kept putting out new resources. We have rounded up some of our recent favourites to help our artists:
1. UK Music’s Music Creators’ Survey
This year more than ever, clear information about the state of the industry is going to be vital. If you have 10 minutes to spare, you can help inform discussions about how to respond to COVID-19 – and win a pair of headphones!
2. Ivors’ Remote Recording Database
Are you a composer looking for musicians who can record at home? Are you a musician looking for composers themselves looking for musicians? This resource may help you find each other.
3. The Post-COVID concert hall
For those of you thinking about what happens next, Zach Finkelstein has written this interesting blog post about the economics of it all. In a similar vein, Paul Carey Jones has written this article discussing the problems and opportunities of this crisis for restructuring how we do opera.
4. The Opera Database Resources
Not a COVID-specific toolkit, but while researching this article we found this excellent catalogue of what’s out there – libretti libraries, podcasts, scores, and more.
Over the past few weeks the Tête à Tête have found these very useful as we look to the future, especially “The Recovery Position” on how organisations can use their brand to help their recovery.