Be a Doll

19:00-19:55, Tuesday 6th August 2019


Music & Words: Alexa Dexa


Be a Doll is an electroacoustic toy opera that follows a woman struggling with perfectionist and submissive conditioning in a world that commands her to be a doll so vigorously that she is unable to determine whether she is actually a woman or a doll. Living in a dollhouse filled with toy versions of household items, she performs gender appropriate play routines in a cycle of adulthood mimicking childhood games that mimic adulthood. As each of her toys sound out, they are electronically manipulated and played back in repetitions that mirror the truth that what we give attention to grows.


Produced by Alexa Dexa


The Place, 17 Duke’s Road, London, WC1H 9PY



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Facebook: @AlexaDexaMusic

Twitter: @Alexa_Dexa

Instagram: @lopsidedart


Composed, performed, and technologically configured by Alexa Dexa

Production assistance and consultation by Creature Fur


Also on the same day:

Composed, performed, and technologically configured by Alexa Dexa

Production assistance and consultation by Creature Fur