Produced by The Music Troupe

Wednesday 8th August. 19:40 – 20:20 2018


RADA Studios, 16 Chenies St, London, WC1E 7EX


Nothing is quite what it seems in the dysfunctional playboy mansion… A unique cocktail of an opera: erotic flavours with a mysterious Spanish twist, shaken and stirred with lust, and more than a dash of fun and absurdity. Lorca’s masterpiece which explores the nature of reality, sex and identity is turned into a bel canto opera with beautiful music, songs and dances, performed by a virtuoso cast.


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Twitter: @MusicTroupe


The Cloak and Dagger Affair


Music: Edward Lambert

Words: Frederico García Lorca (adapted by the composer)

Conductor: Thomas Payne

Director & Designer: Jaered Glavin



Belisa: Fleur de Bray

Don Perlimplín: Andrew Greenan

Marcolfo: Kate Howden

Piano: Edward Lambert

Music: Edward Lambert

Words: Frederico García Lorca (adapted by the composer)

Conductor: Thomas Payne

Director & Designer: Jaered Glavin


Belisa: Fleur de Bray

Don Perlimplín: Andrew Greenan

Marcolfo: Kate Howden

Piano: Edward Lambert