Tête à Tête: The Opera Festival 2023 Content Advisories
This is a list of content advisories for Festival 2022 shows, in alphabetical order by title, provided by our artists. As a festival of new work ideas develop right up to performance but this gives you a sense:
Content Advisory: Graphic descriptions of Electro-Convulsive Therapy [ECT].
Content Advisories: None
Content Advisory: Homophobia (Included in the show is a verbatim homophobic song that was sung during the by election campaing in ’83 against Peter Tatchell.)
Content Advisory: Death, Suicide (A dead body announces that they have, in fact, killed themselves).
Displaced: A Woolwich Arsenal Opera
Content Advisories: None
Content Advisory: Strobe Lighting, Homophobia, Death, Strong Language (Death: The show is about AIDS, which includes characters developing AIDS-related illnesses and dying on stage; Strong language: One song may include the word ‘fuck’; Homophobia: Includes a homophobic speech by a politician)
Content Advisories: None
Content Advisory: Suicide, strobe lighting (In the end Lindertje sings a song with the text “I’m gonna die tonight, give my place up in this world” The song isn’t really about suicide but some people feel different about that.), partial nudity (performers in underwear)
Content Advisories: Death, sexual violence, murder (Death: Green Man/Erl-King, a figure who speaks but is unrepresented, dies. Sexual violence: Implied entrapment and subjugation of protagonist voice. Murder: Protagonist voice kills Green Man/Erl-King, although this murder may be metaphorical and the whole situation a symbolist narrative)
The Hedge the World and Everything
Content Advisories: None
Content Advisories: None
Content Advisory: Some references to sexual violence, simulated violence
Looking Inward: Show Home & When The Sky Cracks Open
Content Advisories: Death (Death: very mild – images of a pair of Pompeii corpses used in a lecture-like setting)
Content Advisory: Mental ill-health, self-harm, self loathing language
Content Advisory: Death (Death: seen onstage, at the end, after being transformed into a beetle), partial nudity (performers in underwear), mild violence
Content Advisories: None
Content Advisory: Mental ill-health; we are exploring how carers and women express their mental health sufferings
Content Advisory: Images of disordered eating; mention of suicide; misogyny; racism; homophobia; mature language; skin peeling; brief references to sexual violence; emotional abuse. Please take care and feel free to leave at any point.
Content Advisories: None
Content Advisories: None
Content Advisory: Homophobia, transphobia, bigotry & discrimination, death, mental ill-health, self-harm, suicide, sexual violence, strong language, violence (Explicit mentions in the text of suicide, sexual violence and very strong language throughout.Transphobia and homophobia are dealt with in the subtext of the piece but not explicitly.)
Content Advisory: Grief (underlying themes, though positive in tone)
Song Queen: A Pidgin Opera Reimagined
Content Advisories: None
Content Advisories: None